DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.







Chapter Summary



  • Using animal-assisted activities, (AAA), helps to improve the lives of at-risk and troubled youth
  • At-risk, is defined in many ways, but in general it is referred to as, poor life choices, committing crimes, being unwanted, abused, neglected,below poverty living, doing poorly in school, death of parents, disabled, incarceration, and/or having low-self esteem
  • AAA helps young people suffering from disabilities, at-risk, foster, and children from the Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS), feel loved, happy, wanted, successful, empathetic and responsible
  • AAA gives children the love they may not be getting at home
  • Children learn to read emotions and think of others besides themselves
  • Teaching group dog classes to children is effective because it creates group cohesion and support, emotional sharing, and helps the child feel a part of something worthwhile
  • Using animals with children makes them feel safe and they are then able to relax and play
  • Using AAA with children gives them love objects, fills a void in their life no-one else can, and gives them an attachment object
  • Interaction with animals activates the brain to release feel-good hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine, lower cortisol levels, reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, increase the sense of well-being, and improves overall mental health
  • AAA can help addicts by giving them love, bolstering their self-esteem, relieve physical symptoms of withdrawal, and become the reward for success
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.